Spring begins with The Palette Series...


Hello, dear sweet friends, and Happy Friday to you!
I hope your weekend holds much happiness.

I have had a very busy and exciting day thus far.
I've listed 10 fresh new Fringe pieces.
You can see them all here.

I think I'm most excited about my new Palette Series.
(see photos below)

The Palette Series is new and dear to my heart.
I love working with the magnificent variety of colors for these necklaces.
Each time I begin a new one, I smile.
Pure joy!

There are more than 25 different Palette necklaces
 currently in my studio.
I listed 7 of them in my shop today.

The concept for these light-hearted,
wisps of whimsy
 was really a simple idea.
I wanted to make a little neckpiece that was
affordable, fun and breezy-light for the warmer months.
Affordable to most at $26,
yet still an original Fringe design,
still completely handmade by yours truly.
I truly believe that really means something.

The option for wearing more than one at a time for instant impact
is very appealing to me.
It gives you the opportunity to personalize this piece.
Adding a brooch,
a strip of fabric,
or nippets of lace
can only add more delight to your experience with a Palette piece.
These Palette neckwear pieces will appear in a variety of lengths
 as well as different size ruffles.

There you are, darlings. 
The first of many new additions to Fringe.
You wouldn't believe how many new tidbits I have to list.
I can hardly stand it!
It does take time though to list a new item.
It truly is quite a process.

So please bear with me.
I promise to reveal my new designs
as quickly as I possibly can.
I'm excited to share them with you!


We have a busy weekend in store for us here.
I have an order to complete,
an appointment smack dab in the middle of the day tomorrow
(I don't like how it divides the day. Sigh)
Walks to be taken.
Design photos to be taken.
Emails to write.
A batch of lemon cupcakes to make..Get this...
They're for a special picnic...
The boy is going to a Victorian Picnic
on Sunday.
Boys and girls.
Put together and planned by the aforementioned
boys and girls.
What does it all mean...?

I'm deeply thankful to you for coming by,
for showing interest,
for supporting my work,
for cheering me on,
a heartfelt thank you for being you.




24 Corners said...

Love your new designs D...especially the Chartreuse and the Green, how fun are they?! It's truly amazing what you come up with...so unique! I've been thinking about a lariat lately but one of these would fit the bill nicely too! sometimes I don't want a scarf but I'm cold and I thought the lariat would be like a cozy necklace, well, you created just that didn't you, a cozy necklace, amazing!
Hope your busy weekend is going smoothly and I'd love to hear about that Victorian picnic, sounds very, very interesting!
xo J~

Dennice {Fringe} said...

Thank you so much, dear sweet J!

You are such a treasure. Always so generous and kind and thoughtful with your comments!

I will be listing many more items, starting today, including some small lariats (perfect for spring/summer).. *wink*

Hope you have a beautiful week, sweetheart! xoxo