Blog it Forward...

Today is the first day of Blog it incredibly wonderful idea from sfgirlbybay. If you haven't heard about it, please check out the details here. Basically, it's a joining of 300+ bloggers...connecting with one idea..."what inspires you?"

I'm so thrilled to be a part of this enchanting series. My post on what inspires me doesn't roll around until March 22, but you can bet I'll be reading all of the inspiring posts that are written before and after mine.

I hope you will read along too. The schedule of posts can be found here.


Thank you for checking in, dear friends...xo


Good Girls Studio said...

What a wonderful idea! Can't wait to see what inspires you :)

The Noisy Plume said...

Can't wait to read it!
By the way, I wish you and I could hop in that truck (up top in your banner) and ride into the sunset...