Vegas, baby....


 Smooth like buttah. Our boy, circa 2004 photo.

Well, dear ones, we're off on a little jaunt.
The boy has next week off for Spring Break.
We're heading to Las Vegas,
with a side trip to the Grand Canyon.

We will be playing it by ear, for the most part.
I may do a couple of posts during the week.
Depending on what the days have in store for us.

The boy loves Vegas.
So do R and I, for that matter.
It's exciting,
lots to do,
casual or dressy.

Somehow, even though we seem to enjoy
large (and fabulous) meals there,
I manage to walk it all off.
This time of year it's mild enough to walk as much as we like.
Not the blazing temps of summer.

I will close my shop today.
Reopening next Sunday.
Upon my return,
a world of soft and pretty...
Fringe Spring/Summer will begin emerging.

I hope you're enjoying your weekend!
Thank you so much for stopping by.
Until next time...
Much love!




brock street said...


Unknown said...

have fun!! can't wait to see your new goodies! i know they'll be beautiful! xo suz

24 Corners said...

What would 'Brenda' think of this photo? ;)

Have a fabulous time!
xo J~