The Nostalgia Series...


By the light of a flickering candle, she begins her nightly ritual of braiding her hair. Her reflection in the mirror becomes a window to the past. As always, he comes back to her then…his dark eyes haunting, encompassing. The desire and the longing. The heartbreak. And so many questions…

She silently pleads for sleep to come quickly as she clutches the locket hanging from a chain of leather and lace since the day he left.
And so begins the journey.  A new series I've created, based on a story.  A story from the past.  Each new design from The Nostalgia Series will come with another installment...

Stay tuned.



Unknown said...

it's beautiful! both the piece and the story but i want to read more! are you secretly working on a novel? you are so talented my friend!! xo suz

Good Girls Studio said...

I don't like this I love love love it! You know how much I adore a good romance story :) The braid, the scarf, the novel...{sigh}. I anxiously await another installment :)


Dennice {Fringe} said...

Thank you so much, lovely ladies! I'm so glad you enjoyed the first installment...

*hug x 2*

24 Corners said...

Oh my goodness...what happened?!? When is the next installment?? I'm hooked!

The scarf is beautifully regal...I love how it drapes. The talent that oozes from your fingers and creative spirit are a joy to behold! xo J~